Run an ARM32 Docker daemon on ARM64 servers

In the last days I worked on a suitable setup for a Drone CI server to support multi-arch builds. While the setup for common x86 Drone runners is easy, working with setups for ARM, especially ARM32, is a bit tricky. The easiest way would be to have native servers of the respective architecture available. However, it’s difficult to find hosting offers for ARM at all - for ARM32 this seems almost impossible. I decided to use Amazon EC2 ARM64 servers, they are relatively cheap and can also be used as a private customer.

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Docker port publishing for localhost bindings

While preparing a custom Docker image for a tool I wanted to use I encountered a problem that kept me busy for some time. The container could be built and started without any problems but the application in the container was simply not accessible via the published port. Even after minutes of debugging and checking (and re-checking over and over again) that the right port was exposed and the application in the container is listening on that port I was not able to get it to work… But I had a suspicion now.
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